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the birb's favorite quotes

some collect postage stamps, some collect phone cards, I like to collect quotes~

the collection is a bit small, since I lost all my old ones at some point, but I'll rebuild it in no time! 😤

The Quotes Themselves

Let me not die without fame, without a fight, But let me do some great deed to be heard by those to come.

-- Hector ("The Iliad", Homer)

...whatever you tell yourself, you are not happy as you are. Content, maybe, but that is not the same thing.

-- ??? ("Blood in the Water", Megan Derr)

The idiot seemed to forget that he deserved to be looked after and protected and cared for just as much as everyone else.

-- ??? ("The Only Option", Megan Derr)

Chociaż kiedyś Cornel opowiadał mi taką historię o chłopaku, któremu przytrafiały się różne, szalone przygody. Okazało się, że leżał w śpiączce i to wszystko mu się śniło. Opowieść miała szczęśliwe zakończenie, bo w końcu się obudził, ale zawsze budziło to we mnie wątpliwości. No bo przecież w swoich snach przeżył tak dużo. Wiódł cudowne, bohaterskie życie i miał wielu przyjaciół. Na jego miejscu, chyba nie byłbym zadowolony z powrotu do rzeczywistości.

-- ??? ("Krąg", Silencio)

"Kill me," he rasped at Clear Sky. "Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won."

-- Gray Wing ("Warriors: Dawn of the Clans #3: The First Battle", Erin Hunter)

So is it agreed? We will live in peace, but we train for battle -- battle we hope we never see.

-- Gray Wing ("Warriors: Dawn of the Clans #4: The Blazing Star", Erin Hunter)

You get so caught up on what could go wrong that you miss your chance to do anything, which is just as bad.

-- Pride Leader Merin ("Reevesbane: Gryphon Insurrection Book 4", K. Vale Nagle)

"I don't question your math, opinicus." Iony said, "I question your ethics."

-- Iony ("Reevesbane: Gryphon Insurrection Book 4", K. Vale Nagle)

I'm a total trash mammal, and nothing is ever going to work out!

-- Mae Borowski ("Night in the Woods", Infinite Fall)

This won't stop until I die.
But when I die, I want it to hurt.
When my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad.
I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I'm thrown off and everything ends.
And you know what?
Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something.
It means I am something, at least... pretty amazing to be something, at least...

-- Mae Borowski ("Night in the Woods", Infinite Fall)

Nothing is going to save us forever, but a lot can save us today

-- Mae Borowski ("Night in the Woods", Infinite Fall)

Life goes on
It feels so long
But I report
Life is too short.

-- Selmers ("Night in the Woods", Infinite Fall)

Other Snippings

cool names for things and such! enjoy!

my jackrabbit heart

-- clipped from "Savaged by Systemd: an Erotic Unix Encounter", Michael Warren Lucas